Great Sleep Awaits!
Getting high quality sleep can be a battle. If you struggle with getting a restful night's sleep or just want to learn how to get the best quality sleep each night, follow the Peaceful ZZZs self-paced program below or browse our additional sleep resources!

Get Started
Follow the steps below to help change your sleeping habits for the better.
- Watch “Learn the Sleep Strategies” to walk through the importance of sleep and how to improve your quality and quantity of sleep each night.
- Download your personalized sleep toolkit to start keeping track of your current sleep-related behaviors. For two weeks, challenge yourself to try out a few sleep strategies to see how it affects your sleep and mood.
- Explore “Sleep Disorders & Resources” to learn what underlying causes might be triggering your poor sleep and where to find help.
Step 1 (presentation)
Learn the Sleep Strategies
We all know that we have to sleep in order to live. But how can what seems to be such a basic task sometimes be so difficult? Through this presentation, learn about the importance of quality sleep and explore ways to improve your sleep quality and quantity through research-backed tips and tricks to help you fall and stay asleep each night.

Step 2
Sleep Toolkit
Keeping a sleep journal is an important tool that can be used to evaluate your sleep duration and quality. Keeping a record of your sleep-related behaviors can help you recognize what behaviors are affecting your sleep. By following the link below, you will gain access to your personalized sleep toolkit that includes a list of healthy sleep strategies, a sleep journal, fun facts, and relaxing coloring pages.

Step 3 (Presentation)
Sleep Disorders & Resources
Your everyday behaviors and lifestyle choices undoubtedly contribute to your quality and quantity of sleep. However, sleep loss and problems may also stem from a sleep disorder. During this presentation, learn more about America’s common sleep disorders, the local and educational resources available to help, and your communities’ specific sleep-related questions – answered!