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GatorCare Health Plans
We want you to get to know your health plan benefits, and get the most from them. Select your employer group below to learn more about your covered benefits with GatorCare. Not sure who to contact about your health insurance questions? Click below.

Prime Plus & Premium
UF Health Shands Gainesville
Health Plans offered to UF Health Shands Gainesville workers include Prime Plus and Premium.

College of Dentistry
For those within the College of Dentistry, GatorCare offers a Premium Health Plan.

College of Medicine Gainesville
Health Plans offered through GatorCare for those in the College of Medicine include the Premium plan.

College of Veterinary Medicine
The Health Plans available for those in the College of Veterinary Medicine is referred to as Options and can be reviewed using the link below.

Graduate Assistant
Health Plan offered by GatorCare for Graduate Assistants include GatorGradCare.

Postdoctoral Associates
The Health Plans available for Postdoctoral Associates include Options and can be reviewed using the link below.

prime plus & premium
University of Florida Domestic Partners
The Health Plans offered by GatorCare to UF Domestic Partners includes Prime Plus and Premium plans.

Prime plus, premium, & healthy rewards HSa
University of Florida Investment Corporation
For those who are enrolled in GatorCare under UFICO, the available plans are Prime Plus, Premium, and the Healthy Rewards HSA.

Prime, Prime Plus, Premium, & HEALTHY REWARDS HSA
UF Health Jacksonville
The Health Plans offered to workers of UF Health in Jacksonville include Prime, Prime Plus, Premium, Healthy Rewards HRA, and Healthy Rewards HSA.

College of Medicine Jacksonville
Health Plans offered through GatorCare for those in the College of Medicine – Jacksonville include the Premium plan.

Prime, Prime Plus, Premium, & Healthy Rewards HRA
UF Jacksonville Physicians, Inc.
For those who work with UF’s Jacksonville Physicians, Inc. (UFJPI), applicable health plans include Prime, Prime Plus, Premium, and Healthy Rewards HRA.

Prime Plus & Premium
UF Proton Therapy
The Health Plans available to those in the University of Florida’s Proton Therapy program are eligible for the Prime Plus and Premium plans.

Central Florida
Premium Plus and Healthy Rewards HSA
UF Health Central Florida
Health Plans offered by GatorCare to those who work with UF Health Central Florida include Premium Plus and Healthy Rewards HSA.