Zumba at Professional Park

For uf & uf health employees

No-Cost Zumba Classes

Are you ready to join the dance revolution?! Join Louise for Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. at the UF Health Professional Park building. Note: It's OK if you can't make it to every class. Come to whichever classes fit your schedule!

zumba flip box

Zumba classes will now conclude with a 15-minute tone and stretch session. Please bring a towel and yoga mat to participate.


Zumba is a high-energy class that is suited for all fitness levels. It uses easy-to-follow dance moves mixed with Latin rhythms to get your body moving, creating the ultimate dance fitness party! This fun-filled workout combines all elements of fitness—cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, and flexibility—while boosting energy and leaving you feeling pumped.

Time 5:30 – 6:15 P.M.

Days Tuesdays and Thursdays

Location Room D102 (The Swamp) at Professional Park (3300 SW Williston Rd, Gainesville, FL 323058)

What to Bring Wear comfortable clothes you can work out in, tennis shoes, a water bottle, a towel, and an open-mind.

Meet Deb

Deb is a Zumba enthusiast who's won prestigious awards for her dance fitness prowess. By day, she's a skilled nurse in high-pressure ER/ICU and UMR settings. She's also the co-founder of an animal rescue fundraiser and co-chairs a Zumbathon for breast cancer awareness. Recognized as the Best Dance Fitness Presenter and Performer by AFAA in 2011, 2013, and 2015. Deb has danced her way to excellence while making a difference in health and animal welfare

Deb Zumba

Meet Louise

Louise is a retired Software Engineer who now has transitioned to focusing on art and fitness. She moved to Gainesville 8 years ago, where she started volunteering at UF Health Shands. In fact, she is still active and currently holds the position of Shands Auxiliary President. Through her love for exercise and dance, Louise became a Zumba instructor and has been teaching for 11 years! One of her favorite parts of Zumba is that the music and dance lift everyone's spirits while bringing the group together to create amazing friendships.



If you are not a Professional Park employee please park in the Visitor Parking (in yellow and highlighted by arrows below) located at the public entrance of Professional Park. You can arrive at Professional Park either via Williston Rd or SW 34th Street (labeled in pink on the map below). Once parked, please follow the pathway to the main entrance of the building, once inside take your first left after security, and then the next left and straight ahead will be D102 (The Swamp).

Please contact GatorCare Wellness at GatorCareWellness@shands.ufl.edu for any questions.