Food for Thought – Mango Day

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Time to celebrate this sweet and juicy fruit

Many crates of mangoes

National Mango Day is July 22nd!

Primarily a summer fruit, mangos come in several shapes, sizes and varieties. According to history, mangoes were first discovered in India and is grown from a tropical tree called the Mangifera Indica. As time went by, mangoes traveled from India to other countries of the world. Because it has a big seed, mangoes had to be transported by humans, unlike other fruits like cherries, which could easily be transported by birds and animals. Spanish explorers brought mangos to South America and Mexico in the 1600’s. The first attempt to introduce the mango into the U.S. came in 1833 to Florida.

Mango Nutrient Power

It is said that mangoes are a combination of the flavors of peaches, pineapples, and oranges. Additionally, the sweet and tangy taste is accompanied by an abundance of nutrients that are extremely beneficial for your body. Learn more about mango’s nutrition profile and benefits below:

Mangoes are rich in vitamin C

This is important for forming blood vessels and healthy collagen, as well as aiding in wound healing.

Vitamin C

Mangoes are high in the antioxidant, beta-carotene

This gives mangoes its yellow-orange hue has been shown to fight free radicals, which can cause damage to cells and potentially lead to cancer.

Beta Carotene

Mangoes are a great source of magnesium and potassium

Both of these are connected to lower blood pressure and a regular pulse.


Mangoes are high in fiber

The fiber in mangoes can be more effective in relieving constipation than equivalent fiber supplements.


Varieties of Mangoes

The six most common varieties available in the U.S. are:


These have a smaller seed than other types of mangoes, so their ratio of flesh to seed is higher.

Honey Mangoes


These are sweet and fruity.

Francis Mangoes


These are sweet and sour, with a slight bitter taste.

Haden Mangoes


These have a slightly citrus flavor and often picked or eaten in their green stage.

Keitt Mango


These are ideal for juicing and drying.

Kent Mangoes

Tommy Atkins

These are mildly sweet but are valued for their long shelf life and tolerance of handling.

Tommy Atkins Mangoes

Mango Fun Facts:

  • A basket of mangos is considered a gesture of friendship in India.
  • Mangos are related to cashews and pistachios
  • In South Asia, mangoes are so valued that they are considered the national fruit of Pakistan, India, and the Philippines and the national tree of Bangladesh.
  • The species name of the mango is Mangiferi indica, which means “an Indian plant bearing mangos.”
  • Unripe, green mangoes have more vitamin C than ripe ones.
Cutting Mangos

Explore Ways to Cut a Mango

There are several ways that can be implemented to peel and cut a mango. Depending on how the mango will be used will also determine how it may need to cut. To discover fun and different ways to cut a mango, check out this website below.

Sweet & Delicious Mango Recipes:

Mango Black Bean Salsa: Mango-Black Bean Salsa Recipe (

Mangonadas: Mangonadas Recipe | Food Network Kitchen | Food Network

Curried Chicken & Mango Salad: Curried chicken & mango salad recipe | Good Food (

– Dana Gardner, Registered Dietitian, MS, LD/N

Want more?

Check out our previous edition of Food for Thought!

July is National Grilling Month! Grilling is all about good times, good friends and even better food. It sets the perfect atmosphere for a feel-good environment and a fun way to cook a healthy and tasty meal. Learn all about how to grill safely this Summer with our previous edition of Food for Thought!



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