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Awareness Blogs

National Diabetes Month

What is diabetes? November is National Diabetes Month Diabetes is a condition that affects millions of Americans. It prevents them from regulating their blood sugar levels. It can also be…

MOVEMBER: Changing the Face of Men’s Health!

Movember The annual event to raise awareness (and funds) for the heath issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide that are plaguing men and males-assigned-at-birth. Come join the…

Adopt a Shelter Dog

October is Adopt-A-Dog Month Be a hero this month and adopt a dog from your local shelter or rescue group. An estimated 3.5 million animals are waiting in shelters for…

National ADHD Awareness Month

October is National ADHD Awareness Month Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) is the most common neuro-developmental disorder in the world and is a highly genetic, brain-based syndrome. Children with ADHD…

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 2022 Breast Cancer Awareness As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. Keep…

National Immunization Awareness Month

Learn more about the importance of Immunizations. Vaccines have reduced and, in some cases, eliminated many diseases that killed or severely disabled people just a few generations ago. For example, smallpox vaccination eradicated that disease worldwide. 

Latin America Fast Facts

Hispanic Heritage Month Latin America Fast Facts The countries and territories of Latin America create a vibrant tapestry of diverging cultures and customs that are tied together by a shared…

National Suicide Prevention Week

September 4-10, 2022 Suicide Prevention Although September 4 -10 is National Suicide Prevention Week, raising awareness surrounding this topic is a year-round endeavor. It is crucial to learn risk factors,…

Summer Food and Cooking Safety

grilling safety Fire! Outdoor grilling is a popular way to have fun and cook at the same time. But, if you are not careful, barbecuing can be dangerous . The…

National Safety Month

June is… National Safety Month Created by the National Safety Council (NSC), this month-long observance aims to empower individuals to maintain their safety while at work or at home. You…